Non-Profits & Institutions

Cleveland Museum of Natural History

Using conversion funnel reporting to create smarter campaigns


Over Meta impressions

Over Meta impressions


CTR higher than Google average

CTR higher than Google average


Over Google impressions

Over Google impressions


Before partnering with Data Genomix- the Cleveland Museum of Natural History relied heavily on traditional marketing tactics. The organization focused on billboards, banners on the public bus system, and radio. With the ever-evolving digital marketing ecosystem, the organization needed to move away from traditional advertising strategies and into new, innovative digital channels. This is where Data Genomix came in. 

The museum’s goal for its digital campaign was to increase brand awareness and traffic to its website to drive more visits and ticket sales. The organization knew it needed to unlock a sophisticated and iterative digital marketing approach, and Data Genomix was the key.


Data Genomix's first step in bringing the museum into the digital marketing space was to take advantage of the Google Ad Grant, which can deliver up to $10k a month in in-kind ad dollars on Google Search. In addition, Data Genomix leaned hard into Meta Ads through a data-driven approach to elevate the museum’s social media presence. Data Genomix used a variety of ad optimizations and targeting matrices to increase brand awareness, website traffic, and conversion events. 

On top of this, the skilled data science team at Data Genomix revolutionized how the museum understands its visitors' online behaviors. The team implemented conversion funnel reporting - which is a tool that maps out the digital journey of our targeted individuals. It is essentially a virtual breadcrumb trail that shows every step a person takes, from the moment they click on an ad to visiting different pages on the museum’s site, all the way to making a purchase; in the museum’s case, buying a ticket. By examining this detailed report, one can see exactly where the site’s visitors are going and at what point they decide to purchase. 

Data Genomix used conversion funnel reporting to look into specific campaigns. Looking at the museum’s summer camp registration, it was clear where the target audience members were dropping off. This allowed Data Genomix to adjust both campaign messaging and targeting, and to build a more effective digital strategy.

As a result of Data Genomix’s advanced reporting, research, and digital campaigns, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History saw exponential success. In one year, ads on Facebook and Instagram (META ads) delivered over 7 million impressions, with a significantly lower CPM (cost per thousand impressions) than average. In addition, META ads had a click-through rate (CTR) of 2.15%, which is 2.3 times higher than the platform’s average of 0.9%. The cost per click (CPC) was also 90% lower than the platform’s average, at $0.16. 

By taking advantage of the Google Ad Grant, Data Genomix was able to deliver over $23.4K in free advertising dollars to the museum. The Google search campaigns served over 75K impressions in one year and had a CTR of 19.87%, which is 6.72 times higher than the platform’s average. In addition, the CPC is 44% lower than the platform’s average, at $1.51. 

Through an intimate understanding of the museum's audience, enhanced with intelligent, sophisticated reporting, Data Genomix was able to successfully amplify traffic to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History's website, and the museum was able to see a remarkable uptick in ticket sales.

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