Brand Awareness

OC Solar - Lead Generator

Transforming Digital Outreach for OC Solar


Increase in Clicks

Increase in Clicks


Increase in Leads

Increase in Leads


Reduction in Cost Per Click

Reduction in Cost Per Click


Monochannel Dependence & In-House Limitations

OC Solar's digital lead generation was exclusively reliant on a single channel, Yelp. While Yelp had brought them some success, the management team recognized the limitations and risks associated with dependence on one channel. Additionally, managing these campaigns in-house while also running the business left little room for exploring other growth opportunities. OC Solar needed to diversify its paid media channels and enhance its campaign results.


Holistic Digital Strategy & Expert Execution

Data Genomix stepped up to the challenge, bringing a wealth of digital marketing expertise and innovative solutions to the table. The first step was to leverage OC Solar's established success on Yelp. The team used advanced agency tools for better targeting and optimization, enhancing their presence on the platform they were already familiar with.

In addition, the Data Genomix team recognized the need for a diverse, multi-channel approach, and introduced OC Solar to an array of new paid media channels. These included Paid Google Search (SEM), META ads, website retargeting banner ads, and more. This data-driven approach, led by skilled data science and paid media teams, was key to the success of these campaigns. By leveraging over 685 unique data points from 194+ million online users, the team was able to target audiences most likely to engage with OC Solar's offerings.

Finally, one of the significant facets of this solution was a complete rebranding for OC Solar. Data Genomix’s creative team generated all new ads, messaging content, and blogs, which have significantly contributed to the campaign's performance.

CEO of OC Solar Vincent Curcie quote

Record-Breaking Performance

The outcome of this comprehensive, data-driven approach was nothing short of phenomenal. OC Solar saw a 173% increase in clicks, a 660% increase in total leads, a 50% reduction in cost per click, and an 82% reduction in cost per lead. These impressive figures were not just numbers - they translated into real business success, leading to the best quarter in OC Solar's history.

Through working with OC Solar, Data Genomix's expertise in digital marketing and commitment to client success was able to transform the business's online presence and lead to significant growth. The team understands the unique challenges businesses face in the digital landscape, and we're here to provide tailored, data-driven solutions that drive results.

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