Non-Profits & Institutions

President Lincoln's Cottage

Data Genomix took full advantage of the Google Ad Grant, as well as paid social ads, to significantly level up President Lincoln’s Cottage’s marketing budget and capabilities.


free advertising with the Google Ad Grant to date

free advertising with the Google Ad Grant to date


free advertising with the Google Ad Grant in 2023

free advertising with the Google Ad Grant in 2023


Above average click-through rate

Above average click-through rate


President Lincoln’s Cottage is a historic site and museum situated in Northwest Washington, D.C. The Cottage is where President Lincoln spent more than a quarter of his presidency and offers to the public innovative guided tours, engaging exhibits, and interactive programs. Since its doors opened in 2008, the museum has hosted over 337 thousand visitors.

While this landmark has a rich history, it only became a national monument within the last 20 years. However, President Lincoln’s Cottage is the only national monument that does not receive funding from the Department of the Interior and is incorporated as a unique not-for-profit museum. The organization relies on donations and revenue from ticket sales to fund its operations and upkeep. This worthwhile landmark had a small marketing budget, but an important mission with big goals to achieve. That is where Data Genomix stepped in.

The Data Genomix team was first approached by President Lincoln’s Cottage to increase awareness and ticket sales for an event in May of 2022- their Bourbon and Bluegrass event. After our success with this event, we continued to collaborate with the national landmark to increase their brand awareness, support on-site visits, and ticket sales for monthly events, all on a limited budget.


Data Genomix’s solution was to take full advantage of the Google Ad Grant to increase its marketing budget and marketing capabilities. The Google Ad Grant is a program that Google created to support nonprofit organizations doing good in the world. The Google Ad Grant provides qualifying nonprofit organizations with up to $10,000 of in-kind advertising every month for Search Engine Marketing, or SEM ads.

The primary marketing goals of President Lincoln’s Cottage were to increase brand awareness and event awareness/ticket sales, the opportunities presented by the Google Ad Grant were a perfect solution. Data Genomix has been able to utilize these funds to create many different comprehensive SEM marketing campaigns for the Cottage, ranging from supporting museum visits, art exhibit promotion, comedy show ticket sales, and many others. For an organization with a $12,000 annual marketing budget- the additional $10,000 a month was a monumental increase.

As a result of Data Genomix’s smart strategies and management of the organization’s Google Ad Grant funds, President Lincoln’s Cottage was able to significantly level up its marketing, especially via the Google Ad Grant. In a single month, Data Genomix was able to spend $10,200 of ad grant funds, which was nearly the museum's annual marketing budget! Data Genomix also maintained over a 8% click-through rate (CTR) on the SEM ads, a 166% increase over the industry average.

In addition to the Google Ad Grant, Data Genomix launched paid social ads, which delivered a CTR of 4.27%, 78% above the industry average, in order to drive website visits. Through Data Genomix's comprehensive approach to digital marketing and advertising, this small museum will continue to make a major impact.

“We are so deeply appreciative of the work that Data Genomix has done on behalf of our organization. Your efforts are truly felt; our events are selling out, and you are having a major impact on our museum". -Michael Atwood Mason, President of President Lincoln’s Cottage

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